In the M.U.S.C.L.E. toyline (Mattel's export of the Kinnikuman Kinkeshi figures), Kinnikuman is known as Muscle Man, a literal translation of his original name. In the English-language version of Ultimate Muscle, he is known as Suguru Muscle (Suguru Kinnikuman in the anime) and referred to as King Muscle. Despite the name change, he is not related to Harabote Muscle.

I love you forever best friend
The Japanese Anniversary Society has decided that every Friday 29th (Kin Niku in Japanese) shall be Kinnikuman Day. February 29, 2008 was the first Kinnikuman day.[citation needed]

cute friendship quotes sayings
Suguru is a very childish character. He complains when he does not get his way, pouts when someone gets more attention then him, and is often downright lazy. Early in the series, he would often refuse to fight certain monsters unless he got something in return. However, underneath this childish behaviour lies a very noble heart, and when times are at their worst, Suguru's courage surpasses that of the greatest of Seigi Choujins. He has been known to fight better upon realizing how shameful or dishonorable his opponent is being. His honor and friendship has warmed the hearts of several an Evil Chojin.

Cute Friendship Quotes #17

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title\x3d\x26quot;Friendship Quotes\x26quot;

I love you forever best friend
The Japanese Anniversary Society has decided that every Friday 29th (Kin Niku in Japanese) shall be Kinnikuman Day. February 29, 2008 was the first Kinnikuman day.[citation needed]
cute friendship quotes sayings
Suguru is a very childish character. He complains when he does not get his way, pouts when someone gets more attention then him, and is often downright lazy. Early in the series, he would often refuse to fight certain monsters unless he got something in return. However, underneath this childish behaviour lies a very noble heart, and when times are at their worst, Suguru's courage surpasses that of the greatest of Seigi Choujins. He has been known to fight better upon realizing how shameful or dishonorable his opponent is being. His honor and friendship has warmed the hearts of several an Evil Chojin.
Cute Friendship Quotes #17
Free cute friendship quotes.
cute.png quotes and sayings

title\x3d\x26quot;Friendship Quotes\x26quot;
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